Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Rainy Start To A New Course

My first day. I have started a new course at my local TAFE. That is the New South Wales Department of Education abbreviation for College Of Technical and Further Education. The course I am doing is for women intending to return to the workforce who have been out of employment for a while usually through family commitments but not restricted to this reason. This course is free and covers a range of topics including computers and preparing a resume but also touches on presentation skills and workplace communication. It is considered to open doors to opportunities that otherwise may not have been known about. We are a group of thirteen from various backgrounds ranging in age from 25 to 50+ and a wide spectrum of skill sets. So as the rain poured down outside the classroom we went through the usual first day routine of introductions and getting to know you activities. We learned the important things like where to get coffee, where the toilets are and evacuation procedures and we signed our acceptance and understanding of course content and outcomes. It has been a long time since I sat in a classroom so I am feeling a little nervous and a little excited and a fair bit of anticipation as well. We have big hopes for this course. None of us is really sure what we are going on to in our lives. Most of us are looking to change any vocation we may have had in the past. One thing which will be different for me will be the shorter time available to me to plan for the meal ahead each evening. So tonight we will have a simple noodle bake using some leftover sausages from last night's dinner chopped up and stirred through a basic cheesy mac. The kids will be happy with that. Tomorrow I will put my thinking cap on. Perhaps a Mulligatawny soup.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

The World Cup Finals Are Almost Upon Us

The World Cup Finals are almost upon us and if you are even only slightly interested in the outcome of this tournament you'll be glued to your set soaking up the atmosphere. This is the perfect time and reason to Host A World Cup Party. But instead of just bringing out the chip 'n dip and the salted peanuts how about some interesting snacks which reflect the nationalities of the teams doing battle?

Moving into the semi finals are The Netherlands, Uruguay, Spain and Germany. All of these nations have cuisines and flavours which are uniquely their own and from these derive an array of snacks which will enhance your World Cup Party.

Consider for instance, the possibility that the final will be contested between Netherlands and Germany. Without even trying this evokes images of meat and cheese, pastry, sour cherries, wursts, mustard and pickles.

But of course it might be Spain in the final two. Imagine all the Tapas possibilities to choose from. Fish, squid, peppers, tortillas and rice.

And let's not forget Uruguay, the last remaining team from the Southern Hemisphere, with a strong Spanish heritage. Think meats, corn, empanadas, chili.

Whatever the final two ends up looking like one thing is certain. The culinary possibilities for a party will be mouth-watering!

For more ideas on How To Host A World Cup Party visit How To Host A World Cup Party