My kids go to three different schools. Theoretically this shouldn't be such an issue especially since the two older ones are at High School and can catch the bus to and from school. You'd think... But it happens every morning and frequently in the afternoon as well. For a while there it was also happening during the day but I put a stop to that. Well until the younger ones get to High School and then we'll go through the training all over again. The mornings often involve one of them being so late heading out the door that if I don't drive him to the bus stop he will miss the bus. I find this infuriating. They usually get up with plenty of time to get ready so the only explanation for the out the door rush is some form of distraction which has diverted the teenage attention, which let's face it, isn't huge, and totally side-tracked him from getting ready for school. Aside from standing over them micro-managing their every movement, and quite frankly I have way more things to be getting on with, I really don't know what the answer is. I guess they'll grow out of it. Or they won't. The afternoons present a different set of challenges. One afternoon each week child number two must remember to take a different bus and take himself to piano lessons. He frequently forgets and I'll either get a phone-call from his piano teacher to say that he hasn't arrived or a text message from him to ask for a lift. Since my younger two children also go to the same piano teacher and I have had to collect them from school, bring them home for a quick snack then take them to piano only to collect all three 90 minutes later, I find the prospect of an additional trip hard to take. It takes a huge chunk out of an afternoon where I am normally getting dinner under way, bringing washing in and various other unfinished tasks. But the one I had to put a stop to was the text message during the school day with a plea to bring some item or another to school. Now the High Schools are not just around the corner. They are a good 20 minutes to half hour drive away which means giving up an hour of an already very short day for a mercy mission. This is one of those times where the opportunity presents itself to teach the lesson of taking responsibility for their own affairs and the consequences of not being on the ball. If they fail an assignment because it wasn't handed in on time, next time they'll make sure it is. If they miss out on swimming or sport because they forgot to pack they right equipment or clothing, next time they'll be better prepared. I know I'm a grumpy mummy but at least they eat well.
Tonight we are having burgers - a rare treat because I had the mince and was looking for something different from the usual Spaghetti Bolognese or Meatloaf. I add grated carrot, finely chopped onion, a whisked egg, some tomato paste and a little dijon mustard to the mince before making the patties.
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